Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The story of Abu Nawas And Stars

Abu Nawas real name is Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Hani al-Hakami. He was born in 145 AH (747 AD) in the city of Ahvaz in Persia (now Iran), with the blood of Arab father and mother Persian flowing in his body. Abu Nawas is an Arab poet and considered one of the greatest poets of classical Arabic literature. Abu Nawas also appeared several times in the Thousand and One Nights.
Abu Nawas was actually a pious scholars. Not so surprisingly, Abu Nawas has pupils who are not few.
Among many of his students, there is one person who almost always asked why Abu Nawas said such and such. Once upon a time there were three guests to Abu Nawas asked the same question. The man first began to ask,
"Which is more important, the people who do dosa2 large or small dosa2 people working on?"
"People who work on small dosa2." Said Abu Nawas.
"Why?" Said the first.
"Because more easily forgiven by God." Abu Nawas.
The first people to settle because he did believe so.
The second man asked the same question. Red s / d above.
"People who do not do both". Replied Abu Nawas.
"Why?" Said the second man.
"By not doing both, certainly does not need forgiveness from God". said Abu Nawas.
The second person can immediately digest and understand the answers of Abu Nawas.
The third person was asked the same question as above. Abu Nawas then answered; "People who do great dosa2".
"Why?" Said the third man.
"For God's forgiveness for the sins of His servants is proportional to the magnitude of it". replied Abu Nawas.
Because do not understand a pupil of Abu Nawas asked.
"Why the same question can produce different answers?".
"Man is divided into three levels. Depth of the eyes, brain levels, and the level of the heart ".
"Is the eye level?" Asked Abu Nawas students. "Young children who see the stars in the sky, he said the star was small because it only uses the eye".
"Is the level of the brain?" Asked Abu Nawas students.
"People who are good at seeing the star, he said it was a big star because he has knowledge." Said Abu Nawas.
"Then if the level of the heart?" Asked Abu Nawas students.
"People are good at and understand who see stars in the sky. He said the star was still small despite the large know that star. Because for people who understand there is nothing great, but the magnitude of Maha to God. "
Abu Nawas students now begin to understand why the same questions can produce answers What is different. He asked again.
"O teacher, could man can deceive God?"
"Maybe?" Said Abu Nawas.
"How?" Asked Abu Nawas student wanted to know.
"With persuade them through praise and prayer." Said Abu Nawas.
"Teach me, O teacher of prayer." Begged the students of Abu Nawas.
"Prayer is:
Ilahi lastu lil firdausi ahla, wala aqwa ‘alan naril jahimi, fahabli taubatan waghfir dzunubi, fa innaka ghafiruz dzanbil ‘azhimi.
It means: "O my Lord, I am not fit to be inhabitants of heaven, but I will not be strong against the heat of the fire of hell. Therefore, please accept my repentance and forgive my sins. For verily You are the One who forgives great sins. "
Source: Sharing and Learning Islam Actually

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