Tuesday, 19 January 2016

War of Independence and the Formation of United States

With the events of the tea in Boston, George III was determined to subdue Massachusetts by force of arms. Do not ignore the demands of the people of the colonies and the British threat, other colonies twelve countries have expressed solidarity to stand behind him. In early December 1774, to the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia (later known as the Continental Congress I) to set the pace in the face of Britain.

This event it serves as the first time for the thirteen American colonies to unite and cooperate with each other. The Continental Congress I produce a statement that basically that people's colonies in America remained loyal to the King of England and requires discretion in order to restore good relations between the colonies and the mother country Inggris.Sementara it, there has been a battle between British troops and the people of the colony. The first battle broke out in Lexington, then spread to Concord and Boston.Britain rejected the demands of the residents of the colony. The existence of the Boston Tea Party and the land claims colonies is considered to mark the beginning of a rebellion. The British government immediately increase the number of troops in America. Since then the colony of Americans believe that the peaceful way to demand their rights as Englishmen may not be achieved. In fact, they are in danger of being destroyed everything that they were determined to defend their freedom. The American colonies and then lifted Goeroge Washington, one who contributed to the British in the Seven Years' War Sea to face England.Revolution and the American War of IndependenceIn the beginning of this war is merely oppose violence against the colonies of the British government and does not have a goal to achieve independence. However, the purpose of the war it became clear after the publication of Common Sense (Mind Seha) t (1776) by Thomas Paine. This article contains understands independence then awaken the colonists to change the purpose of the struggle against violence into the struggle for independence.In the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1775, the representatives of the thirteen colonies agreed to liberate themselves. Finally, on July 4, 1776 proclaimed the Declaration of Independence as a reason for separation from the mother country England. Declaration of Independence manuscript was prepared by a small committee comprised of five members, namely Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingstone, and John Adams. They are then known as the Five People Script Compiler Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776 signed the Declaration of Independence and made the day of American Independence (Independence Day).Famous statement in the Declaration of Independece is "that all men are created equal, that God has given some rights that can not be separated from him, among them ..." life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "This statement is a statement that is progressive . Therefore, the United States is the first example of a government that fought for independence and realize a government based on democracy.American War of IndependenceSince the declaration of the Declaration of Independence (1776), the direction and purpose of the American population struggles became clear. They struggle to retain independence. If on July 4, 1776 made a balance of military power balance, it would seem obvious that the British commanders in the US have the advantage of a fairly large army with all perlengkapnya, trained, and disciplined. In addition, facilities and other resources, especially financial resources far greater than in the American colonies.However, shortage of troops closed colony dengankelebihan, as they wage war on its own territory. In addition, they also have gained the experience of war in the Seven Years' War against France Sea. In this case George Washington showed leadership qualities incomparable. Therefore, they are always able to beat back the British troops. Point Brasil then the colony started in 1777, when General Burgoyne and his men surrendered at Saratoga on 17 Okotober 1777.The defeat of British forces at Saratoga is clearly a blow to the UK and lowering dignity in mainland Europe. British opponents, such as the Netherlands, Spain, and especially the French then helped the struggle of the American people with the purpose of each, as follows.1) the Netherlands, want to earn big profits from arms trade with America.2) Spain, want to get back Giblartar and Florida.3) France, wanted to take revenge on the British have been defeated in the Seven Years' War Sea. In addition, France also wants to reclaim the area jajahanya, namely Canada and Mississippi.With the influx of aid from mainland Europe, especially from the French under the command of the Marquis de Lafayette, speeding victory American fighters. On October 19, 1781 British troops under the command of Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. This event is really a severe blow for England. War of Independence was eventually won by the United States and ended with the Peace of Paris in 1783 the contents of which Britain recognized American independence.The formation history of the United StatesSince colonial times there has been a difference seeds that would later give rise to disputes between citizens of the colony. This distinction is based on geographical factors where the North is an industrial area and vice versa, the South is an agricultural region. Thus, efforts to form a government that includes all the colony is very difficult.Southern people under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson wanted a democratic form of government. They want a decentralized system. That is a strong government should exist in every state. They rejected a strong central government. In contrast, people in the North under the leadership of Alexander Hamilton wanted an aristocratic form of government with criteria well born, rich, and wise. They want a centralized system, which means there must be a strong government at the center rather than in every state.The difference between the North and South is what makes it difficult to draw up a form of government for the country barumerdeka. However, Dickinson (Chairman of the Committee for Formulating the Constitution (Constitution established the Continental Congress II) attempted to draw up the Constitution is the basis for the life of government thirteenth state. The work of Dickinson is then known as the Artical of Confederation that thirteenth officially accepted by the state in 1781.Under the Constitution, a federal US state / union state. In this case the federal state power is very limited. The central government does not have the right to deal directly with the people and do not have the right to levy taxes. Minimal central government power was confined to foreign policy issues. As a result, the US government faced many difficulties.Therefore, in 1787 held the third Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Congress aims to revisit or ratified Artical of Confederation and form a new constitution is more appropriate. III Continental Congress finally succeeded in forming a new constitution that is the basis for the establishment of the union. Thus, based on the state constitution in 1787 formed a union under the name of United State of America (USA).Under the new constitution, the central government holds important matters, such as finance, defense, and foreign policy. In contrast, other matters retained by all thirteen states. American Parliament called a Congress composed of two bodies namely the Senate and House of Representatives. As the first President of the United States was George Washington and its Vice-President, John Adams.


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